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Publications Related to Child Development
Child Development

Adverse childhood experiences and depression among women in rural Pakistan.

BMC Public Health (2021), 21:400

  • LeMasters, K., Bates, LM., Chung, EO., Gallis, JA., Hagaman, A., Scherer, E., Sikander, S., Staley, BS., Zalla, LC., Zivich, PN., Maselko, J.


Effectiveness of a peer-delivered, longer-duration psychosocial intervention on maternal depression and child development at 3 years of age: Results and lessons from a cluster randomized trial in Pakistan.

Lancet Psychiatry (2020), 7:775-87

  • Maselko, J., Sikander, S., Turner, EL., Bates, LM., Ahmad, I., Baranov, V., Bhalotra, S., Bibi, A., Bibi, T., Bilal, S., Biroli, P., Chung, E., Gallis, JA., Hagaman, A., Jamil, A., LeMasters, K., O'Donnell, K., Scherer, E., Sharif, M., Waqas, A., Zulfiqar, S., Rahman, A.


The contribution of grandmother involvement to child growth and development: an observational study in rural Pakistan

BMJ Global Health (2020), 5(8)

  • Chung, E., Hagaman, A., LeMasters, K., Andrabi, N., Baranov, V., Bates, L., Gallis, J., O'Donnell, K., Rahman, A., Sikander, S., Turner, E., Maselko, J.


Association of maternal depression and home adversities with infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis biomarkers in rural Pakistan

Journal of Affective Disorders (2020), 276

  • Hagaman, A., Baranov, V., Chung, E., LeMasters, K., Andrabi, N., Bates, L., Rahman, A., Sikander, S., Turner, E., Maselko, J.


Father involvement in the first year of life: Associations with maternal mental health and child development outcomes in rural Pakistan​

Social Science & Medicine 237 (2019)

  • Maselko J., Hagaman AK., Bates LM., Bhalotra S., Biroli P., Gallis JA., O'Donnell K., Sikander S., Turner EL., Rahman A.


The relationship between responsive caregiving and child outcomes: evidence from direct observations of mother-child dyads in Pakistan

BMC Public Health (2019) 19:252

  • Scherer E., Hagaman A., Chung E., Rahman A., O'Donnell K., Maselko J.


The effectiveness of the peer delivered Thinking Healthy Plus (THPP+) Programme for maternal depression and child socio-emotional development in Pakistan: study protocol for a three-year cluster randomized trial.

Trials, 2016; 17 (1): e442 

  • Turner E., Sikander S., Bangash O., Zaidi A., Bates L., Gallis J., Ganga N., O’Donnell K., Rahman A., Maselko J.


Child mental health and maternal depression history in Pakistan.

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2016; 51 (1): 49-62.

  • Maselko J., Sikander S., Bangash O., Bhalotra S., Franz L., Ganga N., Guru Rajan D., O’Donnell K., Rahman A. 


Effect of an Early Perinatal Depression Intervention on Long-term Child Development Outcomes: follow-up of the Thinking Healthy Programme randomized controlled trial.

Lancet Psychiatry, 2015; 2(7): 609-617.

  • Maselko J., Sikander S., Bhalotra S., Bangash O., ^Ganga N., Mukherjee S., Egger H., Franz L., Bibi A., Liaqat R., Kanwal M., Abbasi T., Noor M., Ameen N., Rahman A. 


Correlation between maternal and infant cortisol varies by breastfeeding status.

Infant Behavior and Development, 2015; 40: 252-258. 

  • Benjamin Neelon SE., Stroo M., Mayhew M., Maselko J., Hoyo C.


Integrating cognitive-behavioral techniques in routine counseling to improve exclusive breastfeeding in a traditional, non-literate population in North-West Pakistan: a clustered-randomized trial.

Pediatrics, 2015; 2014-1628.

  • Sikander S., Maselko J., Haq Z., Ahmad I., Hafeez A., Rahman A. 


Leveraging families’ strengths, paraprofessionals, and bundled services to improve child outcomes.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Oct 2013. 

  • Tomlinson M., Rahman A., Sanders D., Maselko J., Rotheram-Borus MJ. 


Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood.  

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2011; 65 (7), 621-625.

  • Maselko J., Kubzansky L., Lipsitt L, Buka S. 


The neglected ‘m’ in MCH programmes – why mental health of mothers is important for child nutrition.

Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2008; 13(4):579-83

  • Rahman A., Patel V., Maselko J., Kirkwood B


Publications related to Aging 

A novel Adaptation of the HOME Inventory for Elders: The Importance of the HOME Environment Across the Life Course

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(16)

  • Hale K., Østbye T., Perera B., Bradley R., Maselko J.


Generativity among elderly in rural area of Maharashtra, India: Correlates and relationship with quality of life.

Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2018; 30 (3) 276-285 doi: 10.1177/1010539518772191

  • Østbye T., Stankevitz K, Malhotra R., Ogundare O., Shah V., Pati S., Maselko J.


Fifteen Dimensions of Health and their Association with Quality of Life among Elderly in Rural Villages in Maharashtra, India.  

Indian Journal of Gerontology, 2017; 31 (1); 1-19

  • Ogundare O., Shah V., Salunke S., Malhotra R., Mann C., Pati S., Karmarkar A., Gandhi V., Shukla S., Stroo M., Jadhav S., Shah M., Maselko J., Østbye T.


Interventions for Dementia caregivers in Chinese populations: A systematic review.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 2016; 12 (7): 983-984

  • Wu B., Xu H., Xu J., Song Y., Wang J., Wu M. Corazzini K., Østbye T., Maselko J., McConnell E.


Ideals of and barriers to successful aging: A qualitative study of Sri Lankan older people.

Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2015; 10: 22-30

  • Perera B., Watt M., Østbye T., Rajapakse H., Ranabahu S., Maselko J. 


The Contribution of Generative Leisure Activities to Cognitive Function among Sri Lankan Elderly.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2014; 62(9):1707-13.

  • Maselko J., Sebranek M., ^Hodzic Mun M., Perera B., Ahs J., Østbye T.


Correlates of hand grip strength and activities of daily living in elderly Sri Lankans. 

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2014; 62(9):1800-1801. 

  • Ukegbu U., Maselko J., Malhotra R., Perera B., Østbye T. 


Use of and attitudes towards tobacco and alcohol among adults in southern Sri Lanka. 

Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2013; 44(5): 880-899.

  • Lombardo S., Perera B., Beaudry L., Grad J., Maselko J., Østbye T


Care-giving expectations and challenges among elders and their adult children in Southern Sri Lanka. 

Ageing and Society, Jan 2013; 1-21 

  • Watt MH., Perera B., Østbye T., Rajapakse H., Ranabahu S., Maselko J



Predictors of and health services utilization related to depressive symptoms among elderly Koreans.

Social Science and Medicine, July 2012; 75(1): 179-185

  • Shin JH., Kyung Do Y., Maselko J., Brouwer RJN., Song SW., Østbye T.


Global Mental Health
Publications related to Global Mental Health 

Adverse childhood experiences and depression among women in rural Pakistan.

BMC Public Health (2021), 21:400

  • LeMasters, K., Bates, LM., Chung, EO., Gallis, JA., Hagaman, A., Scherer, E., Sikander, S., Staley, BS., Zalla, LC., Zivich, PN., Maselko, J.


Longitudinal effects of perinatal social support on maternal depression: A marginal structural modeling approach.

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2021; 75(10), 936-943.

  • Hagaman, A., LeMasters, K., Zivich, PN., Sikander, S., Bates LM., Bhalotra, S., Chung, EO., Zaidi, A., Maselko, J.


Psychometric validation of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support during pregnancy in rural Pakistan.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 Jun 15;12:60165. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.601.563.ecollection 2021.

  • Sharif, M., Zaidi, A., Waqas, A., Malik, A., Hagaman, A., Maselko, J., LeMasters, K., Liaqat, R., Bilal, S., Bibi, T., Ahmad, I., Sikander, S., Rahman, A.


Effectiveness of a peer-delivered, longer-duration psychosocial intervention on maternal depression and child development at 3 years of age: Results and lessons from a cluster randomized trial in Pakistan.

Lancet Psychiatry (2020), 7:775-87

  • Maselko, J., Sikander, S., Turner, EL., Bates, LM., Ahmad, I., Baranov, V., Bhalotra, S., Bibi, A., Bibi, T., Bilal, S., Biroli, P., Chung, E., Gallis, JA., Hagaman, A., Jamil, A., LeMasters, K., O'Donnell, K., Scherer, E., Sharif, M., Waqas, A., Zulfiqar, S., Rahman, A.


Maternal depression in rural Pakistan: the protective associations with cultural postpartum practices

BMC Public Health (2020), 20(68)

  • LeMasters, K., Andrabi, N., Zalla, L., Hagaman, A., Chung, E., Gallis, J., Turner, E., Bhalotra, S., Sikander, S., Maselko, J.


Maternal Depression, Women's Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial

American Economic Review (2020), 110(3)

  • Baranov, V., Bhalotra, S., Biroli, P., Maselko, J.


Probable antenatal depression at antiretroviral initiation and postpartum viral suppression and engagement in Option B+. 

AIDS (2018), 32(18)

  • Harrington BJ., Pence BW., Maliwichi M., Jumbe AN., Gondwe NA., Wallie SD., Gaynes BN., Maselko J., Miller WC., Hosseinipour MC., and on behalf of the S4 Study team.


Prevalence and factors associated with antenatal depressive symptoms among women enrolled in Option B+ antenatal HIV care in Malawi, a cross-sectional analysis.

Journal of Mental Health (2019), 28(2)

  • Harrington BJ., Pence BW., John M., Melhado CG., Phulusa J., Mthiko B., Gaynes GN., Maselko J., Miller WC., Hosseinipour MC., and on behalf of the S4 Study team.


Criterion-related Validity and Reliability of the Urdu version of the Patient Health Questionnaire in community-based settings of Pakistan

PeerJ, 2018; Jul 17; 6:e5185. doi:10.7717/peerj.5185.

  • Gallis JA., Maselko J., O’Donnell K., Song K., Saqib K., Turner EL., Sikander S.


Prevalence and incidence of probable perinatal depression among women enrolled in Option B+ antenatal HIV care in Malawi.

Journal of Affective Disorders. 2018 Oct 15;239:115- 122. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.06.001. 

  • Harrington BJ, Hosseinipour MC, Maliwichi M, Phulusa J, Jumbe A, Wallie S, Gaynes BN, Maselko J, Miller WC, Pence BW; S4 Study team.


Educational mobility across generations and depressive symptoms over 10 years among US Latinos.

American Journal of Epidemiology, 2018; doi: 10.1093/aje/kwy056 

  • Ward J., Robinson W., Pence B., Maselko J., Albrecht S., Haan M., Aiello A.


Socioeconomic status indicators and common mental disorders: Evidence from a study of prenatal depression in Pakistan.

SSM - Population Health, 2018; 4; 1-9.

  • Maselko J., Bates LM., Bhalotra S., Gallis J., O’Donnell K., Sikander S., Turner E. 


Social epidemiology and global mental health: Expanding the evidence from high-income to low- and middle-income countries.

Current Epidemiology Reports, 2017; 4: 166-173.

  • Maselko J.


The effectiveness of Technology-assisted Cascade Training and Supervision of community health workers in delivering the Thinking Healthy Program for perinatal depression in a post-conflict area of Pakistan- Protocol of a randomized controlled trial.

Trials, 2016; 17:188 doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1308-2

  • Zafar S., Sikander S., Hamdani UH., Syed H., Atif N., Akhtar P., Nazir H., Maselko J., Rahman A.


.Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood.  

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2011; 65 (7), 621-625.  

  • Maselko J., Kubzansky L., Lipsitt L, Buka S


Quality of parental emotional care and calculated risk for coronary heart disease. 

Psychosomatic Medicine, 2010; 72(2) :148-55

  • Almeida N., Loucks EB., Kubzansky LD., Pruessner J., Maselko J., Meaney MJ., Buka SL.


Depressive symptoms predict incident stroke independently of memory impairment. 

Neurology, 2010; 75(23): 2063-2070

  • Glymour MM, Maselko J., Gilman S., Patton KK., Avendano M. 


Mind after Matter: Quasi-Experimental evidence on the causal effects of physical health shocks on mental health.

International Journal of Epidemiology, 2010; 39(2):487-93

  • Mohanan M., Maselko J.


The intersection of sex and marital status in shaping stroke incidence: Results from the Health and Retirement Study. 

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2009; 57:2293-2299

  •  Maselko J., Bates L., Avendano M., Glymour MM. 


The relationship between vitality and cardiovascular health.

Psychology and Health, 2009; 24(8):919-932

  • Richman L., Kubzansky L., Maselko J., Ackerson LK., Bauer M


Why women attempt suicide: The contribution of socioeconomic adversity, physical ill-health and psychiatric disorder in a population based longitudinal study in India.

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2008; 62:817-822

  • Maselko J., Patel V.


Why do those with an anxiety disorder utilize more non-mental health care than those without?

Health Psychology, 2007; 26(5):545-53

  • Gurmankin AL., Maselko J., Bauer M., Richman L., Kubzansky LD.


Does women’s education influence the timing of marriage and childbearing in the next generation? Evidence from Bangladesh.

Studies in Family Planning, 2007; 38(2): 101-112.

  • Bates L., Maselko J., Schuler S.


No health without mental health – a slogan with substance.

The Lancet, 2007; 370:859-877

  • Prince M., Patel V., Saxena S., Maj M., Maselko J., Phillips M., Rahman A


Positive emotions and health: going beyond the negative.

Health Psychology, 2005; 24(4):  422-429

  • Richman L., Kubzansky L., Maselko J., Kawachi I., Choo P., Bauer M.


Optimism and Pessimism in the Context of Health: Bipolar Opposites or Separate Constructs?

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2004; 30: 943-956

  •  Kubzansky LD., Kubzansky PE., Maselko J.

Publications related to Religious Engagement and Health 

Recollections of childhood religious identity and behavior as a function of adult religiousness 

International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 2012; 22(1), 79-88. 

  • Hayward RD., Maselko J., Meador KG.


Religious service attendance and major depression: A case of reverse-causality? 

American Journal of Epidemiology, Feb 2012; 175(6): 576-583

  • Maselko J., Hayward RD., Hanlon A., Buka SL., Meador K. 


Religious social capital: Its measurement and utility in the study of health disparities.

Social Science & Medicine, 2011; 73:759-767

  •  Maselko J., Hughes, C., Cheney, R. 


Religious service attendance and spiritual well-being are differentially associated with risk of major depression.

Psychological Medicine, 2009; 39:1009-1017.

  • Maselko J., Gilman S., Buka S.


Religious Activity and Lifetime Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorder.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2008; 43(1):18-24

  • Maselko J., Buka, S.


Religious engagement and allostatic load among high functioning elderly.

Psychosomatic Medicine, 2007; 69(5): 464-72.

  • Maselko J., Kubzansky L., Kawachi I., Berkman L.


Gender differences in religious practices, spiritual experiences and health: Results from the General Social Survey.

Social Science and Medicine, 2006; 62: 2848-2860

  • Maselko J., Kubzansky L.


Religious service attendance and changes in pulmonary function in a high functioning elderly cohort. 

Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2006; 32(3): 245-253.

  • Maselko J., Kubzansky L., Kawachi I., Staudenmayer J., Berkman L.



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